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The Way of The Mystic 8 Week Course with Sabrina Rising
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Step 1: Week 1 – Intuition Basics

Discovering Your Ability to Know

Welcome to your first step on The Way of the Mystic! This week, we’ll be focusing on tapping into your natural intuition and grounding yourself as you begin your mystical journey.

Awakening Your Inner Guide Meditation by Sabrina Rising

Step 2: Week 2 – Intuition Basics

Developing Intuition - Trusting Your Inner Guide

We learn to dissolve self-doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs to establish a clear channel to universal intelligence while building a foundation of safety, trust, and connection. 

Week 3: Enhancing Psychic Senses (Clairs) - What is my gift? 

We dive deep into our personal blueprint as intuitive beings to determine and develop our strongest sense. We learn to truly recognize ourselves and see our personal magic as a powerful blessing we can use to master our reality and serve others. 

Week 4: Working with Spirit Guides and Higher Beings

We pierce the veil of separation and open our hearts to receive divine messaging, signs, and symbols from our universal support team. We become intimately acquainted with the power of all creation and how it uniquely communicates with us and through us, reminding us that we are always protected, guided, and supported on our path.

Week 5: Introduction to Mediumship 

We explore our soul’s innate desire to stay in eternal communication with love in all its forms. This week teaches us that death is simply a portal to the realm of infinite potential, unconditional love, and everlasting peace with life in all its incarnations. 

Week 6: Strengthening Mediumship Abilities 

Mastery takes discipline and practice, This week we strengthen our abilities and choose the techniques that feel most natural to us. We bring our abilities to life and get real-time, awe-inspiring, validation of our skills, accepting ourselves as powerful channels fully free to express our magic. 

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