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All human beings are creative expressions of energy. Each of us can tap into a deep, infinite wellspring of universal intelligence, love, and the power to move worlds.


If you have ever felt called or drawn to the realm of magic, that is your inner being longing to be fully expressed, developed and trusted as the divine guide for your life.

Humans are not designed to experience the world alone. We are meant to find connection - with each other and with our greatest selves. In developing a connection with the magic that surrounds us, we discover our superhuman way of operating that lights the path to an effortless life.

The Way of the Mystic

8 Week Program

The Way of the Mystic is an 8-week experiential program designed to help you develop and refine your intuitive, psychic, and mediumship skills.


This intensive course will teach you to connect to the spirit world, guide you through understanding and enhancing your natural abilities, ensure you practice safely and effectively, and provide ongoing community support. 

The Way of The Mystic 8 Week Course with Sabrina Rising
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This program is for all levels, from beginner to advanced. You will emerge from this experience with defined and developed abilities you can start using right away to enhance your life and those you serve. If you're curious about exploring beyond this third-dimensional reality, and developing the tools to SEE yourself and others, to KNOW yourself and others, and to CREATE yourself and help others do the same, this is the guidance you've been searching for.

Come explore the magic that you are made of. 

Course Overview:

Week 1: Intuition Basics - Discovering Your Ability to Know. 

We explore the power of our natural abilities, uncover what’s possible in the realm of the mystical, and align with a deeper sense of knowing ourselves and the world around us. 

Topics Covered:

  • Overview of natural intuition, psychic abilities, and mediumship.

  • Understanding the different types of psychic abilities. 

  • Introduction to energy fields and auras.

  • Importance of grounding, protection, and setting intentions.

Example of Exercises: 

  • Guided meditation for grounding and protection.

Week 3: Enhancing Psychic Senses (Clairs) - What is my gift? 

We dive deep into our personal blueprint as intuitive beings to determine and develop our strongest sense. We learn to truly recognize ourselves and see our personal magic as a powerful blessing we can use to master our reality and serve others. 

Topics Covered:

  • Detailed exploration of the “clairs” (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance).

  • How to identify and strengthen your dominant psychic sense.

Example of Exercises: 

  • Partner exercises for clairsentience and claircognizance.

Week 5: Introduction to Mediumship - Can I really talk to my loved ones? 

We explore our soul’s innate desire to stay in eternal communication with love in all its forms. This week teaches us that death is simply a portal to the realm of infinite potential, unconditional love, and everlasting peace with life in all its incarnations. 

Topics Covered:

  • Understanding mediumship and how it differs from psychic abilities.

  • The process of connecting with spirits and discovering your unique style.

  • The use of mediumship as a healing process for grief, acceptance and peace. 

  • Ethics and responsibilities of a medium.

Example of Exercises: 

  • Practice connecting with loved ones in spirit in a safe and supportive environment.

Week 7: Advanced Skills and Ethics - Ok, I’m amazing, now what? 

As we become more open and comfortable with our intuitive gifts, we naturally gravitate toward skills and practices we never imagined possible. By connecting with our magic, we tap into an infinite supply of universal intelligence, empowering ourselves and serving others.

Topics Covered:

  • Advanced psychic techniques (remote viewing, psychometry, telepathy).

  • The importance of ethics in psychic and mediumship work.

  • Dealing with difficult or challenging readings.

Example of Exercises: 

  • Advanced psychic techniques (remote viewing, psychometry, telepathy).

Week 2: Developing Intuition - Trusting Your Inner Guide

We learn to dissolve self-doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs to establish a clear channel to universal intelligence while building a foundation of safety, trust, and connection. 

Topics Covered:

  • Deepening your connection with intuition.

  • Techniques for distinguishing intuition from ego.

  • The role of trust and self-confidence in psychic development.

  • Bodywork, muscle testing, and the use of divination tools. 

Example of Exercises: 

  • Practice exercises for recognizing and acting on intuitive guidance.

Week 4: Working with Spirit Guides and Higher Beings - Meet your support team. 

We pierce the veil of separation and open our hearts to receive divine messaging, signs, and symbols from our universal support team. We become intimately acquainted with the power of all creation and how it uniquely communicates with us and through us, reminding us that we are always protected, guided, and supported on our path.

Topics Covered:

  • Understanding the role of spirit guides, angels, and other higher beings.

  • How to connect and communicate with your spirit guides.

  • Ethical considerations in working with spirit guides.

Example of Exercises: 

  • How to connect and communicate with your spirit guides.

Week 6: Strengthening Mediumship Abilities - Living in open dialogue with the universe. 

Mastery takes discipline and practice, This week we strengthen our abilities and choose the techniques that feel most natural to us. We bring our abilities to life and get real-time, awe-inspiring, validation of our skills, accepting ourselves as powerful channels fully free to express our magic. 

Topics Covered:

  • Deepening your mediumship practice.

  • Techniques for validating spirit communication.

  • Understanding and interpreting symbols, signs, and messages from spirit.

Example of Exercises: 

  • Partner exercises for delivering messages from spirit.

Week 8: Integration, Practice, and Moving Forward - I promise to always be true to myself.

The culmination of our work is in the embodiment and daily practices that will ground, guide, and remind us of how truly powerful we are. Honoring ourselves and being witnessed by others is both a sacred gift of acknowledgment and encouragement to stay true to our nature. Magic only dies when we stop believing it and connecting to it.  This week, we share our commitment to continued growth and expansion. 

Topics Covered:

  • Integrating psychic, intuitive, and mediumship abilities into daily life.

  • Developing a personal practice routine.

  • Creating structures for continued growth and development.

Example of Exercises: 

  • Creating a personal intuitive development plan.


This curriculum is designed to be a powerful portal into mysticism and define one’s unique path to intuitive mastery. The lessons build skills progressively, allowing participants to explore and deepen their abilities in a supportive and structured environment.

What You Will Gain:

Develop Intuitive Skills: Enhance your natural abilities to perceive beyond the five senses and develop new skills you can start practicing instantly. 


Discover New Abilities: Become exposed to a variety of intuitive practices and develop gifts you never imagined possible.  

Connect with Guides: Learn how to communicate with spiritual guides and use their insights to guide your decisions.

Transformative Practices: Engage with practices that foster clarity, psychic awareness, and a deeper understanding of your spiritual path.


Direct Experience: Participate in live demonstrations of intuitive magic, receive messages and guidance to support you on your path. 

Community Support: Join an active, supportive community of peers who encourage and inspire each other’s growth.

Discover What Others Have Experienced Working With Me

Course Overview:

  • Start Date: October 17th at 5:00 PM PST

  • Duration: 8 weeks of transformative learning, with 90-minute classes each week.

  • Class Format:

    • Each class will be held live online, featuring interactive lessons, guided meditations, and Q&A sessions.

    • Can’t attend live? No problem! All classes will be recorded, and the replay will be sent directly to your inbox, so you can watch at your convenience.

Exclusive Offers Just for You:

  • FREE 30-Minute Intuitive Psychic Reading with Sabrina: That’s right! The first five people who purchase the course will receive a complimentary 30-minute intuitive psychic reading with Sabrina herself. Gain personalized insights and guidance as you embark on this mystical journey.

  • Refer a Friend Bonus: And that’s not all! If you refer a friend to join "The Way of the Mystic," have them mention your name in the booking form, and you’ll receive 33% off a 1-hour Intuitive Psychic Reading with Sabrina! Share the magic and benefit together.

Ready To Explore The Magic That You Are Made Of?

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